Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Cake Day

Happy belated turkey day and black friday.

I baked a cake for a first time and there was no one around to share it with. So I thought of dedicating my cake to this blog. 

Dont judge me for making a "blog cake"... I am not that crazy. It was just black friday and I had the afternoon to myself. 

I used photoshop "dodge tool" you cant even notice my technique. 

You are supposed to make holes in the cake according to the instructions. 
(First step to becoming a good sound engineer-read every gear instruction manuals carefully!)

Very simple ingredients for a very first timer.

At the supermarket. This is where my idea begins.

So relating cake to the subject of my, this is Chad Franscoviak (John Mayers sound guy) birthday cake. Now, that's a frosting job! It looks like a very complicated console. I can't wait for my next birthday.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Should I solder?

The power adaptor for announcement wireless mic transmitter broke which is why the wireless mic turned off randomly 2 sundays ago. I could buy a new one, but should I still try to solder and see if it works?

On another note...

I had sweaty fever today so didn't make it to potluck dinner but at home.. i just opened up a handstove I bought in Korea during 2006 winter visit and warmed up myself from freezing in sleep. I took pictures...



(these pictures were only made possible because of the technique called the fast-paced-index-finger-clicking-away-camera-button-photography-after-reaction technique)

Full on heat blast by the hand warmer robot.
Didn't have a thermometer but I want to tell you the temperature.(100C+273.15=373.15K)

Happy Robot and 100% power up.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Set list-Same

Song list-Don't remember



I am officially afraid of Minnow's drum playing but its ok, we'll get through this.

It's been 3-4 months now since I first started manning as FOH, and the recent couple of weeks felt so much different than the first couple of weeks I started. I feel strongly that I'm called to do this ministry for now for whatever reason and until whenever the church needs me. I can say this... because of my reaction to worship is slowly changing as this person who does audio in the back... looking at the changes in people and their reactions to worship every sunday and me facing the same direction as the congregation-not towards the band, but towards Christ. I see some people clinging and clinging on to God for that 45 minutes temporary letting go of something else and I can't even express how humbling and encouraging it is to see God being satisfied. I see people meeting Him for that 45 minutes of worship to just beg and beg for clarity in their lives and it helps me see Him working in my life more clearly than ever and then I'm so amazed.

I see Andy, Minnow, Dave, Mikey, Funko, Steve, and Cheryl trying.. and trying to bring people in and trying again to enjoy God presence despite the discussion-filled meetings we had the night before about our heart as worship team members and then I'm humbled again.

I feel called here... for now ..and for this position because I see how God wanted to show me this.... How always beautiful this has been in his eyes and He just wanted to share with me because he saw that I forgot all about it since the day I was saved in the midst of praise and worship when I was a teenager.

To me, this audio stuff doesn't even matter as much anymore. Give me a broken, beat up, and crappy mixer with no effects. I'll do it all for the glory of God.
