Thursday, October 16, 2008

Things to try coming week

Always something I forget to mention in a blog.

Things to try:

1. Not mess up.
2. Try not to mess up.
3. Okay for real now- Past sunday everyone was so tired I just left the compressor attach and release to the auto settings with a ratio of 3:1 for vocals. However the Bass Drum was compressed as well (not auto set). Ratio around 6:1 with short attack and release time where I was looking at the meter/listening to wave curve getting released and coming back in the next beat. I might've been hullucinating though.
4. Vocals- Alright I am facing an issue here. The only reason I'm using the compressors these past week seemed to me was because I'm able to raise the output gain extra high (more than dbs that are getting compressed below the threshold) so it will stand out in the mix. Therefore causing hi feed back when cheryl and dave moves away from the mic- i also use the gates on the vocal compressor to eliminate possible feedbacks/noise-but the gain is no jokingly high it really doesn't matter. And that is why we couldn't hear minnow vocals very well. His vox wasn't going through the compressor with the high output gain.
5. Bass: I need definition coming out in the mix. Help me. Maybe I'll compress it this sunday.
Should I? If not I would want a same signal as funko is getting.

Gotta head out. If there is anything else let me know~


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Comments now

1. 2 files are here for listen and to see what's done to the raw audio. To me, both sounds unsatisfying. Nothing is really better than the other. The whole team was tired, and everyone was in lala land the whole sunday. And indeed.. there is like no bass in these recordings probably because there wasn't enough coming into the control room outputs from the mixer so only thing for me to try mastering was to raise around 80-100hz on the graphic EQ.
Well nothings always really easy so finding this bass sound for the next few weeks might be fun.

-Reverb unit on Ozone. Nice one.

-Little Graphical EQ on Ozone. Usually try not to mess around with these during recording mastering because my ears aren't that trained for these but tried those two peaks.

-The hottest feature on the Ozone: Tube Simulator thing on each bands. Low, lowmid, himid and his. This is the only effect on this plugin you could crank up so much and it still sounds good!

It would take a whole day playing around these stuff to get everything perfect, but since I don't own much time.. just a few basic fixages and called it done on those files that are linked here.

One day.. we will set up and there will be no
(zero) technical problem at all and it will sound decent. One day it's going to happen.

For more information on Ozone izotope:

Monday, October 13, 2008

College Retreat/10.12.08

College Retreat Setup
College Retreat Setup Sheet 10/11-10/13
Input Instr. Mic ETC Assign Aviom Sub Assign
1 Bass Drum D112 3,4 1 1 L
2 Snare SM57 3,4 2 2 R
3 Drum - - 3,4 3 3 L
4 Open 3,4 4 4 R
5 Bass DI Comp 1 1,2 5
6 Synth DI 1,2 6
7 Eguitar.L.Min SM57 1,2 7
8 Eguitar.R.ND SM57 1,2 8
9 Aguitar 1,2 9
10 Vox1.Dave Vocal Mic Comp 2 1,2 10
11 Vox2.Minnow.L Vocal Mic Comp 3 1,2 11
12 Vox3. Cheryl.R Vocal Mic Comp 4 1,2 12
13/14 Speech(Chan. 4) Vocal Mic 1,2
15/16 1,2

Monitor Wedge (Using 1 output Daisy Chain):
AUX Sends 1(L)-->19,(20)(Snake)-->19,(20)(Out of Snake)-->1/4" balanced cable-->Convert 1/4" to XLR Female
(Cont')-->(XLR Female to XLR Male Convt.)-->XLR Cable-->Mackie Srm450.L-->Thru XLR-->Input of Srm450.R
Main Speakers (Using Main Out L and R)
Main Out XLR, L/R-->(Female XLR-1/4" Convt.)-->Balanced 1/4"-->17,18(Snake)-->CrownXS500 1/4" Input-->Output--
(Cont')>Speakon Cables-->Turbo Sound TXD151.

MISC. Check List

13-XLR Cables for Instruments(1 Extra included)
5-Vocal Mic Stand
5-Music Stand
4-Vocal Mic Any Type
4-SM 57s or Vocal Mic (1 Extra Included)
2-Mic Stands For Guitar Amp
2-Speakon Cables For 2-TurboSounds
2-Small DI box for 8 and 13/14
1-Mic Stand For Bass Drum Mic
1-D112 Bass Drum Mic
1-Tape-in converter cable for Ipod
00-1/4" Instrument Cables for Band.

Recording from 10.12.2008: Heart of Worship and Mikey talking

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Wireless Info

Ok. Anyone have any idea about the cell phone interference? An iphone was right next to one of the transmitter during service but even then I would want to prevent that..

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Holland Tunnel Traffic and then,

1. Bass Drum: D112
2. Snare: SM57
3. OH: AKG P200
4. Bass DI
5. Synth
6. EGuitar.L.Minnow:SM57
7. EGuitar.R.Andy:SM57
8. AGuitar DI
9. VOX 1: Dave
10. VOX 2: Steve
11. VOX 3: Minnow
13. Anonuncement
14. Sermon
15. Tback

Everything Sounded Fine. Fun being in control. Labeled "do not turn off" on announcement mic 'cus we had the crazy noise popping again when Ryu turned it off.
We got Minnow, Steve and Funko on Avioms now and they seem to not mind them. We should get Andy, Mikey and Dave to finally use that hopefully starting next sunday.
The sermon wireless mic don't have much problems with plosives because I turned the subwoofer completely off during sermons. Genius move you.

Things to try out but have not yet because of the holland tunnel traffic today:
1. Mic Toms, Left and Right Cymbals with just SM 57s- 4 57s should be enough. And then group channel 1 through 6 into 1-2 Subgroups and send it to just 1st and 2nd channel of aviom.
2. Record Room Sound with P200 Condenser and Mono Mix so I could hopefully get a satisfying song file to put it on here.

Ending Worship from 9.14.08.
Main Console Mix mostly on Left and Room Mic on Right Stereo so kinda sounds weird. Should be getting cooler recordings later.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Setup List

1. Bass Drum -D112
2. Snare- SM57
3. OH(Mono)-AKG P200
4. Bass DI
5. Synth
6. E.Guitar-Minnow(L)-SM57
7. E.Guitar-Andy(R)-SM57
8. A.Guitar-DI
9. Vox1-DH(C)-SM58b
13.Wireless Speech


1. Used AKG Perception 200 condensor LD for drum mono overhead. It worked really well when and Low and the Mid was cut off completely and boosted Highs at 12kHz about 1.5 dB. Captured Hats and Cymbals pretty decently. Need toms and stereo Overheads indeed. It will help alot.
2. Main 2-way Speaker Position-Changed from previously down the stage to onto the stage up highest possible. Needed more space between first row and Main speakers. Helped very much. Also, now the sub is in front of the 2-way speaker and since bass freq. travels slower, noticed Bass Drum and Bass guitar being controlable in my hands which was pretty sweet.
3. Two Electric gutiar amps moved to side of the stage-Biggest hit of the day. Again, gained control over these electric guitar sounds compared to previous set up.
4. Avioms-Minnow tested himself. It didn't make much difference for now since it was just him on it but talking to band members between song feature is amazing.

5. Sennheiser Wireless G2 System needs to be mastered by myself to really be safe in choosing frequencies and not making anymore mistakes:
6. Bass DI started humming during 2nd part of worship as I turned on the Sub. I was confused because it didn't during the start. But I realized later I connected a Aviom separate for myself in the back during sermons which made a ground loop in the system before the last worship started.
7. Realizing Aviom has 16 channels all together or something like that so conserving channels might help in the future with new singers: Possibility is to group all drum mics in the aviom system together to conserve 2-3 channels.
8. Next Week Aviom: Dave Hong needs the crowd sound during worship. Nothing can be done yet except we need a few condensor mics.

Conclusion of the day: Everything really started clicking together this past sunday but not yet near perfect. Congregation of apprx. 300 people still sings very loud, but we're at a good level now.